
Showing posts from 2017



如何在Windows 10中關閉UAC

UAC全名為User Account Control,在Windows 10中做權限控制的腳色,就是當有程式意圖變更你的電腦,它會跳出視窗詢問使用者是否讓此程式變更電腦。 這有時很擾人,當每次啟動程式都要詢問一次時。要怎麼關閉它,方法很簡單。在Search box中輸入uac 開啟change user account control settings,將拉bar調到最低即可。


下載 登入 : bitbucket  可用兩種帳號登入Google、Atlassian,帳密要記住之後clone repository會用到。 Clone: 回到source tree clone repository,New tab| Clone 輸入Source Path、Destination Path這裡的資料夾要存在,按Clone鍵會要你輸入帳密,我輸入Atlassian的帳密clone成功。 注意 :Source Path 可以輸入home page的URL,例如:[ACCOUNT]/test 。也可輸入home page overview 分頁中提供的URL,例如:https://[ACCOUNT][ACCOUNT]/test.git。這兩個URL不同,屬於不同的repository 參考 :

ionic tutorial

Environment Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.15063] Node.js Windows installer(.msi) 64bit v6.11.3 Step Download and install node.js installer. Download and install git. Run cmd as the administrator. * Right click on the cmd.exe then click the  run as the administrator  menu item. Install modules > npm install -g ionic cordova Start your first app > ionic start cutePuppyPics Test the app in the browser > ionic serve Reference Installing ionic

Create a gist using Python

My default editor is Gvim. How to new a gist in Gvim? Before I start , I have to plan something. Use Python script to create a gist. Because Python is my favorite programming script.  Integrate the script with Gvim. So I try to write a script to implement step one. It's work. 😀 If you want to try this script by yourself. You have to generate a token first. Go to your Github settings. Select the " Personal Access Tokens " in the left side nav panel. Click the Generate new token button then check the gist checkbox. Click the green Generate token button to get a token code.

Python Tkinter Go

Introduction TKinter is a simple GUI library for Python. It can create desktop program easily using Python. Environment: Python 3.6.0 Windows 10 Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Tkinter' In Python 3.6.0 you will name Tkinter as tkinter. Test: In the Python prompt you can test by this command: >>> import tkinter >>> tkinter._test() It will show a test window. Example: 1. Simple window 2. Radio button test 3. Understand Grid Geometry # File : Grid Geometry Test Reference: Tkinter Grid Tkinter Widget