Compare tesseract.js and face++ convert text from image function

Face++ Recognize Text API (V1) English Image Test

  1. Register an account for trying this API.
  2. I want to recognize English text from this image.
  3. The Recognize Text API has max image size limit 800x800 pixel. If the image exceeds the size, you have to resize it.
  4. Start cmd and type bellow command.
    "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\curl.exe" -X POST "" -F "api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY" -F "api_secret=YOUR_API_SECRET" -F "image_file=@<YOUR_IMAGE_NAME>">outupt.txt
  5. It will output some json string. A JSON converter will make the output string more readable. 
  6. Find the text "textline".
    "type": "textline", "value": "Lehck"
  7. This is all text line. It looks not available in English.

Face++ Recognize Text API (V1) Chinese Image Test

  1. I want to recognize a Chinese quote text from this image.
  2.  It is so small size. So I don't need to resize it.
  3. Start cmd and type bellow command.
    "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\curl.exe" -X POST "" -F "api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY" -F "api_secret=YOUR_API_SECRET" -F "image_file=@<YOUR_IMAGE_NAME>">outupt.txt
  4. It will output some json string. A JSON converter will make the output string more readable. 
  5. Find the text "textline". You need a unicode converter to convert the unicode encode string to Chinese character.
    "type": "textline", "value": "\u81ea\u5df2\u4e0d\u52aa\u529b"
  6. This is all text line. It looks less accuracy translation.

tesseract.js recognize English test

  1. I want to recognize English text from this image.
  3. Launch Web Server for Chome and choose the root folder.
  4. Edit tesseract_test.html
  5. Go to the url
  6. Paste the image link
  7. Click run button

tesseract.js recognize Chinese test

  1. I want to recognize a Chinese quote text from this image.
  2.  Launch Web Server for Chome and choose the root folder.
  3. Edit tesseract_test.html
  4. Go to the url
  5. Paste the image link
  6. Click run button



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